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Founding Scientologist Pam Baczkowska came into Scientology in 1961, she was amongst the first 400 OTVI's, and is Class 6 and Full OT VII. She sent us the following Success Story:

"After posting my resignation to St Hill I experienced a wonderful feeling of freedom, as if a big cloud had rolled away.

"Now I can comm freely again to anyone I choose about anything I choose. Now I can follow my own goals and purposes with no counter-intention. The friends I had are closer and dearer. The people I didn't care for I do not have to comm to.

"My income has improved. I've sold three sculptures since resigning. Henry, my husband, has sold pictures since he resigned. My postulates are working again. I am getting more creative ideas than before and have the free attention to work on them and complete them without invalidation. I have started playing the piano again and the future looks bright. I am also more willing to help others. Probably the reasons for all this will be found in the SP/PTS Detection and Routing Pack."

Pam is also renowned for her sale of 2000 copies of DMSMH!

Also in the UK resigned list are (year where given is that of entry into Scn):

Colin Mills (1972 NOTs, Snr Cl IV)
Julian Bell (1975 on NOTs)
Michele Brown (1978 OTIV NED)
Terry Brown (1978 OTIII HQS)
John Mace (Founding Scientologist, new OTV, Cl VI)
Jon Atack (1974, on NOTs, Cl II)
Martin Ruston (1964, on NOTs, Clear No 2359)
Joyce Barnes (1964, OTI, Ex Pgms Chief FOLO UK and Flag)
Henry Baczkowski (1961, Clear No 4084, OTIII)
Ron Lawley (1973, on NOTs, Cl IV, OEC)
Jeanny Hanson (on Solo NOTs, Cl VI)
John Hansen (on NOTs)
Alex Cronin (OTII)
Bevan Preece (1957, OTIII, Cl IV)
Phyllis Preece (1961, Grade IV)

Send copies of your resignations (please add the year you came in, and your case and training level), and send us your communication! Mail is handled in confidence (we won't knowledge report you!) Since our last mailing we've received many letters, and several donations (which are always welcome!)

David Gaiman, the former DG PR WW, has informed us that he believes there to be omissions in the report of his address to the UK Event of 14th Oct 1983 as contained in the 28th October 1983 issue from the UK Project for the Preservation of Standard Tech. In order that you may decide for yourself, unedited tape cassettes of the Event are available from the OT Committee UK, price £2.50, cheques payable to the "OT Committee UK".

For those who wish to attack the Independent Scientology field, we recommend a re-reading of Way to Happiness point 18.
