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Jean Luc Guignand - Scientology Service Completions

Jean Luc Guignand in Scientology's Publications

No entries were found in my main Scientology Statistics database for this person.

Jean Luc Guignand and the Clear List

Entries for JEANNINE LUCCHESI in my Scientology Statistics Project Clear List database:

Publine Publication Clear Number Location
Clear No. 12,513 JEANNINE LUCCHESI, CCLA Auditor 158 12513 CCLA
Jean-Luc Archenault 22833 Auditor 168 22833
Jean-Luc Cordebard Auditor 304

Jean Luc Guignand and Scientologist Online Sites

My database does not list a Scientologist Online cookie-cutter web site for this person.

Jean Luc Guignand and WISE Directories

WISE, the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises, publishes directories listing their members.

Jean-Luc Guignard appears in at least one WISE directory:

2001 WISE Directory :

Category: Consultants in LRH Management Tech
Jean-Luc Guignard
Rue Du Jura 54

1373 Chavornay
Tel (+41) 24-441-2963
Fax (+41) 24-441-3782
E-Mail: guiluc@[provider].ch

2001 WISE Directory :

Category: Individual Professional
Jean Luc Galarreta
Cerrajeria Rapida Multiserv.
C/Vazquez De Mella
29 Local

28017 Madrid
Tel. (+34) 49-140-6127

2004 WISE Directory :

Category: Consultants in LRH Management Tech
Jean-Luc Guignard
21 Route de Cully

1091 Grandvaux
Tel. +41 24-441-2963
Fax +41 21-648-0504
E-Mail: lightec@[provider].ch

About this information

The information on this page comes from my Scientology Statistics database. While I attempt to be as accurate as possible, errors or inaccuracies may be introduced by the source material, the transcription process, or database bugs. If you discover an error or problem, please let me know by writing to [email protected] .