Note: Preliminary analysis suggests that
about 60% of people
who try Scientology do only a single course or service, that 80% of new members
become inactive within 2 years, and that 65% of those who
reach the level of Clear become inactive within a year after doing
so. The older a list, the more likely that a person listed on it is
no longer involved in Scientology.
Please read About These Lists for more
Advance 214 [ circa September 2012 ]
Quick Stat Snapshot:
152 completions
111 individuals
13 different services
The following list of Scientology service completions appears in Advance 214 [ circa September 2012 ] :
GOLDEN AGE OF KNOWLEDGE COURSE COMPLETIONS [ 61 ] Robert Axelrod Karla Bartholomew Carolyn Berger Kathy Blake Beth Bueno Shannon Burke Georgia Clark Kathy Clark Dave Colburn Gabe Colon Matt Danon Shawn Denning Steve Eglash Cindy Fahey Brian Gablehouse Vince Galler Ken Gibbs Joni Ginsberg Jimmy Gray Timothy Grobe Laurence Hammet Addie Hosier Rich Hubbard Bill Hurst Rita Kies Jody Kirby Ellen Klugman John Lake Brian Lannon Odelya Levy Emily Liebl Milton Lindner Eleze Littlejohns Mark Loweree Karl Lutkehermolle Robert McDonald Sisu Raiken Nelsen Salling Tavius Southard Tony Neil Jean Newell Cliff Perry Roberta Perry Mark Phillips David Pulcifer Michelle Purpora-Tardi Sisu Raiken Bruce Raymond Glenn Roberson Alexander Roman Myra Severtson Misha Segal Frank Smith Jeff Svare Norm Taylor Leona Valencich Adolfo Valero Tom Vogel Judith Von Hollen Bob Watson Cynthia Woodrow SOLO AUDITOR COURSE PART I [ 7 ] Eiman Rahnama Karen Rossouw Bill Daugherty Humberto Pineda Nancy Hickey Santiago Lampon Kim Nestler OT PREPARATIONS [ 11 ] Linelle Shelly Nelly Northcross Nancy Hickey Alan Rothe Gerri Petruolo Pat Drake Ben Hess Jimena Vargas Linda Kloeffler Marty Liverence Sandi Walker SOLO AUDITOR COURSE PART TWO [ 8 ] Ainash DiSanti Eiman Rahnama Andy Lindemann John Kretz Bill Daugherty Mary Ellithorpe Nancy Hickey Lorraine Wright OT ELIGIBILITY [ 5 ] Bill Daugherty Mary Ellithorpe Debbie Boykin Arthur Gevorkian Peter Van Kleef GRADE VI R6EW [ 5 ] Evan Wecksell Sanjay Arora Michelle Arora Steven K. Thompson Arthur Gevorkian STATE OF CLEAR [ 8 ] ( STATE OF CLEAR - learn more ) Frank Ochoa-Jones Andy Brown Erika Christensen Robert Forillo Hamid Nasser Kelly Watkins Sanjay Arora Peter Van Kleef SUNSHINE RUNDOWN [ 8 ] ( SUNSHINE RUNDOWN - learn more ) Frank Ochoa-Jones Andy Brown Erika Christensen Robert Forillo Hamid Nasser Kelly Watkins Sanjay Arora Peter Van Kleef NEW OT I [ 8 ] ( NEW OT I - learn more ) Debbie Boykin Andy Brown Robert Forillo Erika Christensen Lisa Pezzella Sanjay Arora Hamid Nasser Silke Minkoff OT II [ 6 ] Larry Dillard Mirit Sadeh Jenna Capozzi Debbie Boykin Robert Forillo Erika Christensen OT III [ 7 ] Lin Brewster John Frencher Gary Graham Anne Guerrero Larry Dillard Hanover Booth Steve Strode NEW OT IV [ 9 ] Jean Bennick Valeria Busciolano Lin Brewster Jeanette Fenton Nelly Northcross Larry Dillard Anne Guerrero Gary Graham Ben Hess NEW OT V AUDITED NOTS [ 9 ] Imre Szombathy Cliff Woods Valeria Busciolano Lin Brewster Nelly Northcross Larry Dillard Jean Newell Alan Rothe Gary Graham
The information on this page comes from my Scientology Statistics database. While I attempt to be as accurate as possible, errors or inaccuracies may be introduced by the source material, the transcription process, or database bugs. If you discover an error or problem, please let me know by writing to [email protected].