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Graciela Lopez - Scientology Service Completions

Note: Preliminary analysis suggests that about 60% of people who try Scientology do only a single course or service, that 80% of new members become inactive within 2 years, and that 65% of those who reach the level of Clear become inactive within a year after doing so. The older a list, the more likely that a person listed on it is no longer involved in Scientology.

Please read About These Lists for more information.

The following names may match the name in your search:

Graciela Lopez in Scientology's Published Service Completion Lists

At least 1 completions for Graciela Lopez appear in Scientology publications,
from VMH ARC COURSE circa
  to VMH ARC COURSE circa
Name Service Publication Approximate date
Graciela Lopez VMH ARC COURSE Celebrity 218 1988-05-01

Graciela Lopez in Scientology's Publications

No entries were found in my main Scientology Statistics database for this person.

Graciela Lopez and the Clear List

No entries were found in my Scientology Statistics Project Clear List database for this person.

Graciela Lopez and Scientologist Online Sites

My database does not list a Scientologist Online cookie-cutter web site for this person.

Graciela Lopez and WISE Directories

WISE, the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises, publishes directories listing their members.

My database does not list this person in the WISE directories in my archives.

About this information

The information on this page comes from my Scientology Statistics database. While I attempt to be as accurate as possible, errors or inaccuracies may be introduced by the source material, the transcription process, or database bugs. If you discover an error or problem, please let me know by writing to [email protected] .